Sunday, June 5, 2016

Hip Pain

The hips have a lot of muscles that can be causing problems, so I like to hit them all. 
Start with the client lying face down of prone. The glute muscle and hamstrings can be worked best with lotion. So draping is important. Work towards the head in long flowing motions. avoid working on the bones as this is unproductive.

Work around the greater trochanter and all of the hamstrings.

After working all of the muscles you can with the client lying prone, turn them over and work the quads and the psoas.

The psoas is one of the hardest muscles to reach, but it is one of the most important for not only hip pain but low back pain as well.
The best way I've found is with the client face up or supine and going to the top of the hip bone, find the outer corner and go in toward the center about two inches. gently press down and moving slightly under the hip you will find a long ropey muscle as you can see in the photo above. Increase pressure as the client can handle it, but always be aware of your client's pain tolerance. You don't want to do any damage to them if their pain tolerance is higher than normal.

Balancing the level of the hip bones themselves is also helpful after the tension is removed from the muscles -- Balancing will be taught in the energy work segment to come in future posts.

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