Friday, March 25, 2016

Physical Healing  NECK TENSEN PART ONE 

Scalene Release 

One of my favorite methods of physical healing is of course Massage. Of course because as those of you who know me will understand - I'm a massage therapist.

Massage works for physical healing because tension in the body blocks normal flow of life sustaining fluids. A good demonstration of why this is so is to picture a garden hose with a kink in it. Water can't pass through the hose freely until the kink is removed. A knot in our muscles creates a similar effect. When we remove the tension in the muscles of the body - wala the body functions more freely.

Over the course of the next few weeks I will give a few techniques  of releasing the tension in key places on the body.

The first one I want to talk about is the Scalene muscle stretch. The scalene muscles are located at the bend of the neck. Where the Trapezius muscle meets the neck. (for a good picture of this google images "Scalene muscles in anatomy.")

Push down, or have someone else push down on the corner of your neck and shoulder, then stretch your neck forward and away from the side being pressed. move in as many directions as you can all the while holding the pressure as steady as you can. (it's ok to re-adjust the pressure point as needed.)

This technique is a wonderful release for the neck and shoulders.

* I will be posting a video demo on this and other techniques on Youtube in the near future.

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