Physical Healing
There are many types of physical healing, I've covered some of my favorite massage techniques. Next I want to talk about Another favorite; Energy work.
As with Massage there are many Energy work modalities; Reiki, Cranial/Sacral, Quantum Touch Quantum Entrainment, The basis for the last two I believe are similar to what you would learn in the book Living In The Now.
Over the next few weeks I will describe as many energy-work modalities and how they operate, as far as I can. Keep in mind however that some as in Reiki and Cranial/Sacral are much more in depth and or need a trained practitioner than can be transferred with just information.
In communicating the basic premises in the Quantum techniques mentioned above I can only describe the basic function as I believe these modalities are under copyright. However you can find both on the internet and sign up for their classes for a very reasonable price.